Who is this product for:
- Wellness Advisors
- Benefit Advisors
- HR & Benefit Leader
- Determines ROI Results for Financial Investments in Wellness Programs
- Constructs Customized Health Improvement Plans using Personal, Clinical, & Population Health Data
- Manages Both Disease States, plus Life-Style Behavior Changes
- Anchors the Tracking of Health Status Changes using Clinical Protocols & Biometrics Measurements
- Tracks Health Status Changes for Aging & Disease State Progressions
We’re living longer, but not necessarily healthier lives. Preventable illnesses make-up approximately 80% of the illnesses and healthcare costs experienced in the U.S.
Wellness Plans Capabilities
Tracks ROI of Wellness Plans
AiVante can track the health status and healthcare expense changes that are occurring, and validate the effectiveness of Wellness program designs. AiVante has merged an extensive clinical diagnosis and treatment protocols database into a health status grading system. Using the health grade and prior year’s claims history as a starting baseline, customized health maintenance and/or improvement actions for each participant are established for the next one-year period.
Generates Highly Accurate Projections
AiVante’s vast clinical wellness & biometric data sets allows for the construction of highly-articulated health status baselines for individuals. AiVante can then track a person’s health status and identify changes occurring in their general health and specific health conditions over time.
Personalizes Results & Choices
By using “before & after” comparisons across different time periods, AiVante can objectively track the health improvement effectiveness and financial outcomes resulting from wellness program interventions. AiVante can validate and pinpoint the ROI of health improvement programs.
Improves Bottom Line Results
The results from the AiVante case studies demonstrate a return-on-investment of $4+ for each $1 spent on wellness programs. Healthcare program expense savings are experienced even in the first year of the wellness program operation. Health improvement plans are based upon personalized health status assessments that are highly relevant for each person.
Leverages Rich Data + Big Data
AiVante’s platform supports a full-year cycle of results planning, tracking, and the ability to pre-test changes being considered before implementing. With AiVante you can conduct virtual “what if?” simulations using actual participant census and claims data in advance of open enrollment to reveal the most likely outcomes and costs that will be experienced.
Predicts Future Solution Pathways
AiVante looks at health expenses not only as billable medical transactions, but as a mixture of care episodes of varied severity which are ultimately co-related within themselves. AiVante simulates how health conditions will progress over different time horizons (short, medium & long-term), and predicts how claim costs will change as medical conditions evolve.