Who is this product for:
- Benefits Advisors
- Health Insurance Brokers
- Exchanges
- HR Executives
- Benefit Administrators
- Determines Best Fit and Best Value Healthcare Plans for the Company
- Aligns Company Goals and Budget to Plan Designs & Plan Packages
- Recommends Healthcare & Supplemental Plan Bundles Designed to Provide the Best Value
- Conducts Pre-Enrollment Simulations & Projects Costs, Claim Volume, & Open Enrollment Results
- Analyzes and Tests an Infinite Number & Variety of Plans
AIVANTE’s analytics engines predicts the best plan designs, financial results, and enrollment outcomes for the unique profiles of individuals and a company’s total workforce.
Fully Insured Plans Capabilities
Selects Top Fully-Insured Plans
AiVante’s “Plan Adoption Engine” can scientifically select the optimal type, mix and number of healthcare plans for a company to bundle together into their program. AiVante allows companies to configure both: (1) the optimal portfolio of the types and mix of plans for a company to offer to employees, and (2) the right individual plans for employees to select for their personal benefiting needs.
Generates Highly Accurate Projections
AiVante utilizes advanced machine learning, healthcare-tuned algorithms, and big data to construct expense projections that have been intensely tested. AiVante’s rigorous methodology provides explicit recommendations that are grounded in millions and millions of data points and queries that produce unmatched and astute estimates.
Improves Bottom Line Results
AiVante’s “Plan Adoption Engine” has demonstrated savings of 15% or more in total healthcare costs by determining the right menu of healthcare plans for companies to provide to their workforce. AiVante calculates and reports the costs and participation outcomes of plans being evaluated prior to conducting open enrollment. Companies get access to the results data in advance of having to finalize their plan selection decisions.
Leverages Rich Data + Big Data
AiVante uses both national “All Payers” claims data and company claims data. Along with this rich claims data, AiVante integrates clinical quality data, demographic data, and healthcare plan coverage data to construct highly tailored recommendations.
AiVante can also determine the best combined healthcare & supplemental benefits plans bundles for company programs.
Predicts Future Solution Pathways
AiVante can determine the precise number of plans and plan types that will best produce the lowest costs, provide relevant coverage, and generate concentrated enrollments. Using AiVante’s capabilities, companies can conduct a real-time and comprehensive analysis of an unlimited number of fully-insured plan designs.